Swedish Merchant ships during the War!

Sweden was Neutral during the second World War but need as many other nations supply from abroad. In many case a dangerous sail around the World and a cargo like timber could easily become war material if someone want to sink your ship.↵In several case was the ship paid by Great Britain to help them with supply and the Germans know it. On the other side Germany bought iron and steel from us.↵The Swedish steamer S/S Iris was stoped in autum 1939 for an investigation from a German “Zerstörer” (Distroyer) but found nothing and left her. The German magazin “Kriegsmarine” has it on first page on December 1939.↵In July 1941 Iris get ramed of a Britisch Convoy ship by accident (Blue Ranger) and sunk.↵On the magazin “Kriegsmarine” (Dec 1939) can you read about how the German navy worked with checking foregein cargo and there is also an illustration of S/S Iris. More info in Gallery/Photos/Papers.