Jacke Engineer Officer Benno Brandt U651

U651 was the first German Submarine built at Howaldtswerke in Hamburg. On the 24th of June 1941, U651 found convoy HX 133 and hit and sank SS Brockley Hill (5300 ton) with her torpedos. Five days later they also find Grayburn (6200 ton) from the same convoy. She was also sunk. During this attac the submarine came into collision with MV Andara (HX 133) and recivied damage who later become more seroius than expected. The stearing of the submarine was hurt. U651 dived to 120 m direct after collision. She was now hunted by British Destoyer HMS Malcom and HMS Scimitar but also from the corvettes Arabis and Violet. Lot of Depth charges was thrown to the submarine who was forced to came up to surface. After giving up the submarine the crew openf the vent and selfsunk the boat. Everybody in the crew survived and get POW. Among the crew Engineer Officer Benno Brandt had the luck to survive the war. On the pictures you can see his Jacket. A Jacket who has been in the middle of much action I belive