2019-11-29 | Nyheter
In an critical moment you need to know if you are dealing with friends or enamies……↵Marked with U for unterseeboote in 1944 when the preassure was high on crew and equipment you need to know
2019-03-17 | Nyheter
MS Brageland↵Lars Magnus Trozelli
2018-10-26 | Nyheter
Compare uniforms and headgear to KM. See gallery/headgear
2018-07-29 | Nyheter
More info about Cpt Hardegen in gallery under Photos/ Cpmmanders
2018-06-16 | Nyheter
More info in Gallery/Commanders photo
2018-04-07 | Nyheter
From the German Submarine U573. More info look into the Gallery/Instruments page.
2017-12-21 | Nyheter
(somewhere with piece and joy during a war)
2017-11-21 | Nyheter
More photos in Gallery/Instrument. Famous from one scene of the Movie “Das Boot”
2017-08-15 | Nyheter
A nice initiative if you asking me.