Messjacke, Reichermeier, Maximillian U259

Jacke from Maximillian Reichermeier who makes his duty at U259. During the second mission was the boat sunk and everybody disappear outside the coast av Alger. U259 was ordered st 23.12.1939 and built at Vegesack Werft in Bremen The type was VIIC the most common type. Fieldpostnumber 40438 Captain was Klaus Köpke. Born 05.01.1915 Submarine education 6 month Watchofficer at U569 First command 18.02.1942 Second Patrol 5.11.1942-15.11.1942 From La Pallice-througt Gibraltar-into Mediterranien- Cost of North Algerie. Hit by several bombs from a Hudson S. Pilot flight officer Mick A Ensor. All man lost (48) inclusive Maximillian Reichermeyer